The first time I heard about fractals was four years ago in my Calculus class. I remembered how fascinated I was by a pattern that is so common yet overlooked. Fractal patterns can be seen everywhere in nature--clouds, lightning, seashells, ferns, broccoli, river systems, blood vessels, and the list continues. This demonstrates how nature has specific designs with which it builds its beings and structures. And this amazes me because it shows that nature can be random and spontaneous (based on thermodynamics), but at the same time, highly systematic and organized. Fractals are simple in terms of their attributes but are varied and complex in the ideas and applications that accompany them. Salient attributes of fractals include: self-similarity, iteration and shape irregularity (Baish & Jain, 2000; Dokukin, Guz, Woodworth, & Sokolov, 2015; Losa, 2014). Self-similarity means that when one fragment of an object is examined on various scales, that fragment is similar to and "reproduce the whole object from which it is derived (Losa, 2014). Recently, fractals and the concepts related to them, which first arose in mathematics, are used to examine cell and tissue morphologies (Baish & Jain, 2000; Dokukin et al., 2015; Losa, 2014). Using fractals as an approach to studying structures in biological systems may provide new perspectives and insights on structures, and thus functions, of cells and tissues.